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Alternative for the treatment of cancer

Is there an alternative for the treatment of cancer? According to several sources, it is possible. Research has shown that there are ways to smooth, non-toxic treatment that work properly. They are, in fact, synergistic. They help each other.
They address the four characteristics of all cancers. These four conditions may have to defeat cancer before each correct:

1) A weak immune system;
. If a person's immune system strong the cancer cells are destroyed and prevented the growth of education and tumors. If a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These can be caused by genetic factors, environmental,
Food and lifestyle factors. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.
Some additions to build the immune system (IP6, Flor-Essence, Essiac, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc.) so that to destroy the body's own cells that
Cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E, which apoptosis or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted or
unneeded cells.

2) Lack of oxygen consumption of cells;
Cancer cells can not thrive in an oxygen-rich environment. Exercising daily and deep breathing help to get more oxygen at the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

3) Ratio of toxins;
Because it can cause many toxins that can cause cancer. Referring to the toxins that are normally exposed to at home.

Foods with preservatives, red meat and canned food, canned food salt: they are the most common causes of stomach and colon cancer. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires many digestive enzymes. Undigested meat still in the intestine and
cleaned, which produces more toxins. Cell walls have a tough protein covering. The waiver to eat meat, it frees more enzymes to the protein walls of cancer cells to attack and allows the body's cells to destroy cancer cells.

The meat at high temperatures up to the burning and charring can be boiled to increase the risk of certain cancers. Cooking in this way can form carcinogens formed when meat is roasted or steamed

Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was declared on a television program to that danger to health. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.
He said that should not be heating our food in the microwave with plastic bowl ... This is especially true for foods that contain fat. He said the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases dioxin into the food chain and ultimately into the cells of the body ...
Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food ... You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So things like TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else.

If you are a fan of microwave popcorn, think again. Commercial companies can cover popcorn often lead their microwave popcorn bags with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), cancer and tumors.

4) Acidity.Conventional cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery) makes these conditions worse. In fact, it is for almost all deaths attributed to "cancer". That's right. The "treatment" cause death - no cancer. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However, prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause damage to organs such as liver, kidney, heart, lung. Radiation protection while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs. When the body is too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation affects the immune system, or destroyed, so the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications must. . Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. The operation can also cause cancer cells to spread to
other sites.

Cancer cells grow in an acidic environment. A meat diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat should also contain livestock antibiotics help, hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially for people with diet made cancer.A 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruit, the body in an alkaline environment. Over 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells